Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Health Alert: Benefits of stem cell heart therapy may have nothing to do with stem cells, a new study on mice suggests

For 15 years, scientists have been putting stem cells into patients' hearts in hopes of regenerating injured muscle and improving heart function. A new study may finally debunk the idea behind the controversial procedure, showing that the beneficial effects are caused not by the rejuvenating properties of stem cells, but by the body's wound-healing response.
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Health Alert Nov 27, 1:00 PM
Benefits of stem cell heart therapy may have nothing to do with stem cells, a new study on mice suggests

For 15 years, scientists have been putting stem cells into patients' hearts in hopes of regenerating injured muscle and improving heart function. A new study may finally debunk the idea behind the controversial procedure, showing that the beneficial effects are caused not by the rejuvenating properties of stem cells, but by the body's wound-healing response.

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