Thursday, 20 June 2019

What we need to create our new homes on Mars

The future of space exploration. View e-mail in browser.

Today'S TED Talk

The living tech we need to support human life on other planets

16:20 minutes · TEDxBeaconStreetSalon

What would it take to settle Mars? In a talk about the future of space exploration, Lynn Rothschild reviews the immense challenges to living elsewhere in the universe and proposes some bold, creative solutions to making a home off planet Earth -- like "growing" houses out of fungi or using bacteria to help generate electricity.

Watch now »

Playlist of the Day

What would it be like to live on another planet?

What would it be like to live on another planet?

Mars is humanity's next destination. What would it really be like to live there? Watch »

7 talks · Total run time 1:29:14

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