Thursday, 25 April 2019

Energy and Environment: Six Trump Interior appointees are being investigated for possible ethical misconduct

Energy and Environment
With Chris Mooney
Six Trump Interior appointees are being investigated for possible ethical misconduct
The department's Office of Inspector General is looking into whether the appointees violated federal ethics rules by engaging with former employers or clients on agency-related business.
Analysis | The Energy 202: Fossil fuel ban on public lands becomes issue in 2020 Democratic race
The candidates are divided.
The betrayal: How a lawyer, a lobbyist and a legislator waged war on an Alabama Superfund cleanup
The EPA wanted to remove toxic waste from a Birmingham neighborhood, which would have cost tens of millions of dollars. The state's influence machine kicked into high gear.
Rate of ice loss from Greenland has grown by a factor of six since the 1980s, scientists find
Greenland has the potential to drive over 20 feet of sea-level rise.
Analysis | The Energy 202: Trump isn't fully funding a U.N. climate program. So Michael Bloomberg is.
It's the latest in a series of donations to help global climate efforts.
A climate change solution slowly gains ground
Companies leading the hunt for ways to skim carbon dioxide from the air are attracting interest from big deep-pocketed corporations — including oil companies.
One of Alaska's warmest springs on record is causing a dangerous thaw
"Climate change is happening faster than it's ever happened before in our record," said Bryan Thomas, station chief for the United States' northernmost climate observatory. "We're right in the middle of it."
It's been exceptionally warm in Greenland lately and ice is melting a month early
Greenland's summer melt season has already begun — more than a month ahead of schedule.
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