Saturday, 16 March 2019

The "dementia village" that's redefining elder care

A groundbreaking reimagining of the nursing home. View e-mail in browser.


The "dementia village" that's redefining elder care

10:30 minutes · TEDWomen 2018

How would you prefer to spend the last years of your life: in a sterile, hospital-like institution or in a village with a supermarket, pub, theater and park within easy walking distance? The answer seems obvious now, but when Yvonne van Amerongen helped develop the groundbreaking Hogeweyk dementia care center in Amsterdam 25 years ago, it was seen as a risky break from tradition. Journey with van Amerongen to Hogeweyk and get a glimpse at what a reimagined nursing home based on freedom, meaning and social life could look like.

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Playlist of the Day

Incredibly soothing TED Talks

Incredibly soothing TED Talks

The voices of these speakers are sure to gently pull you in with their warm delivery. Watch »

8 talks · Total run time 1:48:51

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