Friday, 18 January 2019

Opinions P.M.: Failed your resolution already? Here’s how to make change that lasts.

Opinions P.M.
Failed your resolution already? Here's how to make change that lasts.
The path to bliss doesn't run through vows at New Year's.
John Bogle made investors richer — and the financial industry poorer
That's quite a legacy.
The Senate needs a do-over
The House rebuke sets the stage.
The GOP distanced itself from Steve King. Is it signaling a shift on Trump?
The deeper significance of congressional Republicans' turn against the Iowa lawmaker lies in GOP worries about the damage that King's fellow nationalist, President Trump, is doing to the party brand.
'Prayer rugs' at the border! Trump tweets flimsy Washington Examiner scare story.
Where's the evidence?
The confiscated Russian translator's notes, revealed!
They are a little fuzzy, as in warm and fuzzy.
The really scandalous part of Michael Cohen's poll-fixing efforts
It's bad that Michael Cohen tried to fix online surveys. It would be much worse to mistake such surveys for real polls.
Mueller might finally have a smoking gun
And, Republicans may finally have to break with Trump.
Could the pope's call to end the death penalty keep Catholics off juries?
"Death qualified" juries shield capital punishment from social change.
Trump is moving the polls: His are down, and Pelosi's are up
It's hard to see how Trump climbs out of the hole.
Today's episode of 'Malice in Wonderland'
A shut government and an open White House?
The Plum Line
Five big takeaways from the stunning report that Trump told Cohen to lie
If Trump told Michael Cohen to commit perjury, this could break the dam.
Pelosi snatches away the football, and Trump falls flat again
The president has no idea how to respond to an equal.
I'm a high-schooler in Los Angeles. I'm standing with my teachers on strike.
This week, I'm learning more outside of school than I would cooped up inside the building.
The WorldPost
Modi's dream of full-time Internet surveillance
This is what digital, authoritarian creep looks like.
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