Monday, 29 October 2018

Opinions P.M.: For a moment, the Red Sox World Series victory made the world make sense again

Opinions P.M.
Act Four
For a moment, the Red Sox World Series victory made the world make sense again
Baseball only spans our warmest months. But the lessons it teaches us can last all year.
Post Partisan
What's happening now in America isn't normal — and we shouldn't accept it as such
The United States has many flaws. What makes us different is our aspiration to do better.
Dr. Trump and his party try to diagnose why bad things are happening
Medical mysteries.
What a new survey on values tells us about America
Trump isn't like most of America.
The Plum Line
How Trump and Republicans wield the politics of victimhood
Even an anti-Semitic hate crime is an opportunity to say that they and theirs are the real victims.
إيران والسعودية تتنافسان على المركز الأسوأ في حرية الصحافة في الشرق الأوسط
كانت إيران على الدوام سبّاقة في أساليبها القبيحة لإسكات الصحافيين، سواء داخل حدودها أو خارجها. غير أن قيام المملكة العربية السعودية بقتل الصحافي جمال خاشقجي داخل قنصليتها في إسطنبول مطلع هذا الشهر يتفوق في بشاعته على سوء المعاملة التي يتعرض لها الصحافيون في إيران. نظرياً، يعطي التخبط السعودي إيران فرصة لتحسين صورتها الدولية عبر تصحيح […]
رقابت ایران و عربستان سعودی برای کسب مقام اول اختناق مطبوعات در خاورمیانه
ایران مدتها است که یکی از سردمداران جریان کثیف خاموش کردن صدای خبرنگاران در داخل و خارج کشور است، اما قتل جمال خاشقجی توسط عربستان سعودی در داخل کنسولگری این کشور در ترکیه، رفتار بی شرمانه ی ایران در قبال خبرنگاران را کمرنگ کرد. این خطای عربستان می توانست برای ایران فرصت نابی باشد تا […]
Lunch links: The annual Halloween sex-offender panic
Plus: Voters to decide on police oversight, sheriffs who pocket inmate meal money; border patrol union endorses racist movie; Mississippi's perpetually under-funded crime lab.
The WorldPost
How the unthinkable happened in Brazil
Bolsonaro surfed a tsunami of anger to win the presidency.
Why Trump cannot tone it down
When all you've got is hate
Enough platitudes: Let's name names
Let's end the lazy thinking and the moral denseness.
The only thing missing from Trump's authoritarian model is a cult of personality. Oh, wait.
trump cult of personality, trump self aggrandizement, trump totalitarian, trump portraits
The Plum Line
Trump's hate and lies are inciting extremists. Just ask the analyst who warned us.
An interview with the Department of Homeland Security analyst who warned in 2009 of growing right-wing extremism.
Ups and downs: The best and the worst of us
Who is gaining ground?
Fear, hope and the midterms
Fear-based politics is once again proving to be a powerful strategy. The problem is, it works for elections, but fails for governance.
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