Monday, 16 July 2018

Opinions P.M.: If you work for Trump, quit now

Opinions P.M.
If you work for Trump, quit now
Save your souls.
The Post's View
Trump just put Russia first
At Putin's side, the president refused to acknowledge the facts about the Kremlin's behavior, while trashing his own country's justice system.
The WorldPost
Why European populists idolize Putin and Trump
And how European populism will backfire.
Trump has just composed the most elaborate thank-you note in history
Thank you, Vladimir Putin, for helping me win my campaign!
Don't let France's World Cup victory erase the issues affecting black French people
My hope is that someday all of our players will be undeniably French.
Post Partisan
Donald Trump: The 'blame America first' president
Trump's attack on an investigation by this country's Justice Department was disgraceful.
Trump's destructive attitude toward NATO makes Putin's job a lot easier
It's part of a worrying trend.
The Plum Line
For Republicans, Russian sabotage of our elections is no big deal
As usual, his naked corruption is just a more blatant version of what's happening throughout the GOP.
Sacha Baron Cohen teaches the right what fake news really is
It's not what Sarah Palin claims; it's what just embarrassed her.
Trump tries to get the final word on the Russia investigation
There's only one thing in the way.
The Plum Line
Trump is now repaying Putin for helping him win the presidency
The events of the past few days leave no more room for doubt.
Trump is negotiating the best surrender terms the U.S. has ever given
Moral bankruptcy is a business tool. (BLOG POST)
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